Registration has been closed on July 31.
Thank you for many applications.
For Registration / Presentation application / Accommodation reservation
Click the button below (JTB-AMARYS).
(External site)
Registration Information
To ensure the smooth operation of the conference and avoid long delays at the on-site registration desk, participants are necessary to register for the conference in advance.
Please note that no registration can be accepted on the day of the Conference.
Please note that the deadline for payment is on 31 July. If you have applied for participation but have not paid, please pay immediately.
Registration Fees
Early Bird (by 10 June 2019) : 20,000JPY
Regular (from 11 June2019) : 25,000JPY
*Admission to all sessions of 3-day forum, schoolvisit, lunch(day 2), coffee breaks, and conference pack are included.
(For International Dinner, extra fee is required)
One-day Participation: Day 1: 10,000JPY, Day 2: 10,000, Day 3: 8,000JPY.
Student Fee: 5,000JPY per day.